New media is the new technological factor in our every day use. We value the modes of thinking systematically with hypertexts (hypertext meaning - Google Search) and the like. In the new digital era we use synchronized data and written texts to explore or communicate efficiently. We as authors and readers create new ways to communicate efficiently. Bringing together new media and writing by use of many interfaces let us revaluate our theoretical communication as authors, which employs our authorship. of taking what we know as writing scholars
" Bringing together is not simply a matter of taking what we know as writing scholars and applying it to a new set of texts or language. From text to interface is a way to mold our creative processes unto new platforms. "Our disciplinary insistence on the printed page will slowly bring us out of step with our students" (Brooks, pg. 23). Our multimodality is based on these steps:
The interaction of these systems produces efficient communication and interaction between authors and readers. Combining multimodal practices to better evaluate systematic interventions. This is called the new modal of composing. New media brings together the textual and objectivity of a given topic, helping authors to employ credibility and background knowledge. We can call this criticism, in a sense, we evaluate our modes of thinking. Innovation is applied to new media as we use our history and critical analysis of text and objects.
The challenging systems in combining textual competence and digital design is called contextual models, rendering the execution of text, symbols, and images. These forms of writing for the web combines interaction and community engagement Invention ecology is the new perception of ideas and text. We can evaluate and critiqued such text using multimodality of printed text.
Brooke. Colin, "Lingua Fracta", (2009)